Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 12: Science

Week 11 - Science Week:

1. Leftovers / The Orienting Stone, D. Graham Burnett, Cabinet Magazine, 2008
2. Art That Transfigures Science, Alan Lightman, The New York Times, 2003.
3. You Can Blame The Bugs, Sharon Begley, Newsweek, 2008
4. Real Rhapsody In Blue, Anne Underwood, Newsweek, 2006
5. The Human Brain: Marvel or Mess, Sharon Begley, Newsweek,2007.
6. Tom Shannon's anti-gravity sculpture (video above)

Optional additional readings on the topic:

1. A Creature of New Habits, New York Times, 2008.
2. A Conversation with TODT: Flexible Logistics, Dominick Lombardi, Sculpture Magazine, 2007.
3. Why Pop Culture Loves the 'Butterfly Effect,' and Gets it Totally Wrong, Peter Dizikes, Boston Globe, 2008. (followed by some comments from Gerard Brown)
4. The Science of Gaydar, David France, New York Magazine, 2007
5. Does Plastic Art Last Forever?, Slate, Kean, 2009
6. Click here to listen to an interesting hypothesis linking artists, cat poop and a rise in cases of Schizophrenia. (and everyone should love Radio Lab anyway!)

Check out one of my favorite spots!


Hello All,
(The above image has nothing to do with this post...but I could not resist.)
Please list any information you have for labels for your exhibition here.
Please submit this info ASAP as Jackie is typing up the labels over the Holiday break.
It should be formatted like this example:
Artist: Terri Saulin
Title of work: Dear Glenn Gould, You Rock. Love Polly Apfelbaum
Date of work: 2008
Medium/Materials: ink, dye, glue, gold leaf, Artur Barrio’s shellac, pins
Dimensions: 42” height x 31.5" width x 2.75“ depth

(below is info can be included in the binder on a separate cover sheet)
Credit line: Courtesy of the artist or Owner's name
Avail for sale: Y
Selling price: $1200.00

A generic form for your future files can be found here.
Something like this would be necessary when sending work to a gallery or shipping work for installation at a distance. I hope it is useful.
Have a restful, peaceful and delicious Thanksgiving break!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 11: Politics

Week 10 - P
olitics, Required Reading:

1. A Critique of the Activist Scene, Nato Thompson, 2007.
2. JFK: Remarks at Amherst College, Sept., 26, 1963.
3. The Social Turn: Collaboration and Its Discontents, Claire Bishop, Artforum, 2006.
Optional additional readings / video on the topic:
1. Culture Wars, Richard Bolton, 1992.
2. Sculpture is a Dying Art Form. Let’s Put it Out of its Misery, Stephen Bayley, The Independent, 2005.
3. Arts and Economy Report from the News Hour (2009)
(video clip above)
4. The Art of Politics, Robert Atkins, Art in America, 2006.
5. Trevor Paglen, an artist, writer, and experimental geographer whose work deliberately blurs lines between social science, contemporary art, journalism, and other disciplines to construct unfamiliar, yet meticulously researched ways to see and interpret the world around us. In the last few years, Paglen's experimental, interdisciplinary work has uniquely managed to capture the attention of the art world, academia, and mainstream media simultaneously.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Trevor Paglen
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating